
arranjos and rios

AR   Arranjos e Rio. [Arrangements and River.] Acrylic and raw stones. Two different materials with such diverse natures as part of the same exhibit. Acrylic is flat, industrial, homogenous. Stones have their own unique volumes, natural colors, rough surfaces. Acrylic is visually light, a material with a higher index of refraction, bright and see-through … Continued


In Arranjos [Arrangements], we work with horizontal and vertical planes. We have distinct shapes that together create a new shape, creating a new color in their intersections. The work happens in the interaction between colors and shapes.


In Arranjos [Arrangements], we work with horizontal and vertical planes. We have distinct shapes that together create a new shape, creating a new color in their intersections. The work happens in the interaction between colors and shapes.


In the Rio [River] series there is dislocation; we take stones out of their natural environment and place them on bases molded specially for each stone. They do not, the bases conform to them, just like bodies do. Bodies unite these pieces; shapes and colors, the body trying to mold to the stones—either sitting, placing … Continued